On The Sniff

May 18, 2005 17:46

Since I'm too lazy to update this thing properly, here's my answers to a survey I discovered on Jenny's Live Journal...

The last person that...

x. Slept in your bed: Why, that would have been me!

x. Saw you cry: Sheila

x. Made you laugh: Ray Romano, on the (sniff, sniff) series finale of Everybody Loves Raymond, the greatest television show of all time

x. Made you cry: Sheila

x. You shared a drink with: Sheila (are you recognizing a pattern here?)

x. You went to the movies with: Ditto

x. You went to the mall with: Ditto

x. You went to eat with: Ditto

x. Yelled at you: Sheila

x. Imed you: I hate Instant Messenger. By the way, it's pathetic that IM is a word nowadays.

x. Sent you an e-mail: Real Oldies 1690.

x. Sent you a text: Sheila.

x. Said "I love you" and meant it: There's only one right answer to this question!

x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: I don't have a pet, but the few spiders who have - to their dismay - crawled into my apartment have not made it out alive, thanks to my can of Raid.

x. Wanted to tell someone something but couldn't: Sure, but only on rare occasions. If my parents ever find out I'm pregnant...

x. Been to California: Not that I can recall.

x. Been to Mexico: No, but I've got a stash of bottled water just in case.

x. Been to China: It hasn't been in my fortune yet.

x. Danced naked: Why?

x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: That sounds cool, but no.

X. Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Apparently, periods aren't very much fun. But women, us men are here to support you! We feel your pain! We'll get through that time of the month together.

x. Had an imaginary friend: If I say no, Rufus will be extremely hurt.

x. What book are you reading now: I'm... typing... on... my... computer... How on Earth could I also be reading a book?

x. Worst feeling in the world: I'll take Impossible Hypothetical Situations for $600, Alex.

x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No, stuffed bestiality is not my bag, at least not anymore.

x. Do you sleep with a blanket: Okay... At least animals have bodily organs.

x. What's under your bed: Surprisingly, nothing. Underneath my bed is pristinely clean.

x. Favorite sports to watch: I'm not a big sports fan, unless game shows are sports.

x. Favorite sport to play: In that case, Wheel Of Fortune on my Playstation.

x. Siblings: You know, I just realized that "Have You Ever" is the category for this set of questions. "Have You Ever Siblings" doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

x. Location: Steger, IL... About half an hour outside of Chicago.

x. College plans: I graduated.

x. Piercing/tattoos: Absolutely not. I treat my body like a temple; you treat yours like a tent.

x. Do you do drugs: Any police officers reading this?

x. Do you drink: Everyday. Soda - NOT POP! - that is.

x. What are you most scared of: Spiders.

x. Where do you want to get married: If I don't answer this one right, then I better hope the garage is nice and warm tonight. We're - Sheila and I - getting married at Our Lady Of Knock church in Calumet City on June 10, 2006, and you're invited!

x. Who do you really hate: All the actors on the Disney Channel.

x. Do you drive: Very well.

x. Do you have a car: It's a 97 Mercury Tracer with just over 99,000 miles on it.

x. Random song lyrics of the week: "Hey kids, shake it loose together. The spotlight's hitting something that's been known to change the weather. We'll kill the fatted calf tonight, so stick around. You're gonna hear electric music - solid walls of sound. Hey kids, plug into the faithless. Maybe they're blinded, but Bennie makes them ageless. We shall survive. Let us take ourselves along, where we fight our parents out in the streets to find who's right and who's wrong."

x. Room in house: It's an apartment, and I love my living room.

x. Type(s) of music: Oldies from the 50s through the 70s... And I LOVE music!

x. Band(s): Too many to name.

x. Color(s): Black

x. Month(s): I don't prefer one month to the other. I guess you could say I'm a polygamist when it comes to months.

x. Cried: No.

x. Bought something: No.

x. Changed questions on an online survey: Yes.

x. Sang: Yes. (Sorry.)

x. Taken a shower: Yes.

x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Wanted to, or actually did?

x. Met someone new: Yes.

x. Hugged someone: Yes.

x. Kissed someone: Yes.
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