Drabble: "Turn Your Head" (Don/Terry, PG-15)

Sep 19, 2007 00:50

Haha, does anybody still look at this community anymore? O.o

Title: Turn Your Head
Pairing: Don/Terry \o/
Rating: PG-15
Summary: "You wore a skirt today, huh? Interesting."
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: None.
Notes/Warnings: Pre-series. I've actually had this as part of my personal Don/Terry canon for, I don't know, years, but I've never really written it out, only alluded to it in other (unpublished) stories. The "research" prompt at numb3rs100 was what I needed to actually write it. Thanks to leda_speaks and neur0vanity for reading it and telling me it was okay. :-) Title taken from At The Library by Green Day.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. This is only for fun.

Turn Your Head
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