Title: On the Difficulty of Becoming a Hero
Series: Ulysses *5/10*
loozy Characters: Billy Cooper- pov, Don, Robin, Alan, Margaret, Charlie, Don/Robin, minor Alan/Margaret
Rating: PG- 13/ K
Summary:You live with your partner twenty- four- seven, you breathe the same air as he does, you eat the same grub, you piss at the same tree when there’s no toilet close by, and you smell each other’s sweat when the last shower has been too long.
Until you part ways, your partner and you are more or less the same person. Someone you share everything with, full disclosure.
Word Count: 4244
Spoilers: after 5x23, Angels & Devils
Notes: There is an awesome beta in this world, and her name is
Prompt: # 101 Interrogation
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic. Numb3rs and everybody associated with it belong to Cheryl Heuton & Nick Fallucci and CBS.
Feedback: Yes, please. I love every kind of review, even the bad ones, as long as they are helpful and constructive.
On the Difficulty of Becoming a Hero...