Explain your LiveJournal name and its meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name. tagged by
lilang_luha This goes back to either my senior or junior year of high school. Ted, Jerry, and I had discovered that OSU has a free club for capoeira, an activity which is not quite a game, a dance, nor a martial art entirely, but is really a combination of all those plus a bit of mysticism. Needless to say, this caught our attention and we were willing to go to on a regular basis for awhile, which is pretty impressive, since it only met Sundays and Wednesdays from 8-10 at night and we had to drive from Dublin to go. We quickly found it to be fascinating and difficult, but each of us had our strengths. The technique I was the first of the three of us to become proficient in was the quexada, a rather complicated looking maneuver that can be rather easy to pull off quickly. As simply as I can put it, you step forward with your right foot, then without moving that foot, you cross your left leg behind the right, crossing your legs (there will also have to be a twist of the lower body while moving your feet, so your feet will have made an almost 90 degree turn to the left). You keeps both legs pretty straight and you should feel some not insignificant pressure, especially if you also twist your torso to the right. This torque that you have placed in your entire body is what is used to propel the right foot into an arch that goes surprisingly high and fast, allowing you to easily connect with your opponents jaw with your heel. To minimize unbalance this is all to be done lightning fast, though it is fair to say that capoeira is an art of finding balance in unbalance. Anyways, around this time I was looking for a new username, as craig42md was reaching the end of its use. So, I realized quexada is similar to Quixote, so I slapped the title Don in front of it and away I went.
I'm not going to tag anyone, as those who I would I already know ^_^
I'll try to come up with an interesting post sometime soon, I've got some ideas but I want to have them fleshed out before I put something up here.