(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 00:27

Ok, so this is gonna be one of those entries where I upset alot of people, but put it all out there. If you don't reading what one whines about... this isn't the one for you.

I don't like how at the beggining of the year people are all gung-ho about Pure Light and now don't care... I understand people have lives, but I HATE how people commit to something, talk about other people for their lack of Christianity, then completly dis-reguard Pure Light. Example, a Parter of mine when all crazy and stuff dogging people saying "I don't think he/she is much of a Christian," and now that partner doesn't come to prayer, Bible study or anything else. Another example, a seller, gave me a list and NO money... and people want their shirts. People don't come to Bible study now that there is no more food there (which by the way, I've paid for 96% of from Pure Lights pocket. I'm so done hearing people complain about what people do wrong, then when they do something wrong they'll say something like "we all fall short." HYPO! Seriously though, Grosse read me this long drawn out letter that someone had written about how people down talk them and make them feel bad about not comming to prayer. It probably wasn't someone who knows me or Corbie because they spelled my name "Dontel" and Corbie's "Corbe"... The majority of my friends call me Don... or spell my name right.

People complain about how nothing is ever done in our school or how Christians are living right.
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Sometimes you just need to step it up yourselves.

I don't like school.

I don't like how it was Ok for Mr. Korey to swear at the crowd for swearing at the basketball game...

Kinda like this girl... mixed signals.

I don't like how my male friends are blowing me off for their female friends. It's one thing if you already have plans with them, but to make up stories and lie about it... that SUCKS!

This whole me spending more money thing is really starting to get to me. I hate to not be a giving person.

I don't like how alot of people in YG were crappy to me because of something that one dude said, and when I left the picture, they didn't care... then when I came back they act like they've missed me for years. PHONY!

I don't like school.

I need a friend that will call me up in the middle of the night just to see how I'm doing.

I'm so mad because God puts people on my heart, like I genuinley care about alot of people that I don't want to. I think about most of you, and it's really hard for me to dislike anyone. Those same people screw me over.

My best friend lied to me about the DUMBEST thing.

I don't like you Live Journal people who know nothing about me but have little side lives about me. Like this Adam guy, the last thing I remember about him was that he was something like a cow boy in my 9th grade home-ec class and we used to cook together. As far as I was concerned we were something like friends. now this kid is calling me names?!?! Ride off into the sunset player.

I don't understand Stephanie Lange, and why in school she is super nice to me, but on live journal she dogs me... Don doesn't play that game. Pick a side and stick to it.

Love the freshman, but I'm annoyed by how I chose not to yell at Robbie for saying something about Corbie... I didn't agree with him, or dissagree I just felt that I wasn't there so It wasn't my place to say anything. So NOW, everyone is all angry about how they think I called her names or whatever. Just because I chose not to yell at the poor kid for something he shouldn't have said doesn't mean I agree with him. INfact... the whole reason he said it was because he heard other people say it... who are those other people?!... why aren't they... never mind

I feel bad because I mean, everyone else can't be wrong... is it possible?

Me and Magee brought in breakfast to brit lit like a good majority of the 1st semester. I love how people complained that there wasn't any sugar for the (free) coffee, or how there were no napkins for the (free) doughnuts.

A few weeks ago at my house we were supposed to have something like a God time. I asked people if they wanted coffee and all 4 of them said "No, I want hot chocolate", So I made FRESH hot chocolate with milk and everything... it sat in the microwave... no one drank it. THEN everyone made request about what type of Pizza they wanted, but then argued over who got what "Cinna-stix are mine" "I get all the cheese sticks." Everyone forgot to pray and bless their meals. (WHICH WERE BY THE WAY PAID FOR BY D. GASTON). People fell asleep during the PPV movie. And no one said thankyou for anyting. They just complained about how the (free) pizza was late.

When I was in giant eagle last week someone hit my car. I came out with mike and he saw this huge dent in it. So now my NEW car has a dent in it... tha twasn't even my fault.

Really want to dance for the talent show but everyone 1 by 1 blows me off for it. So, it's gonna end up being me (possibly). Corbie just up and quit, Mallorey out of no where goes "I honestly just don't want to do it anymore", Sarah, no show, Jasmine, no show, Smerk beats around the bush for something he doesn't really want to do, Jason makes up excuses for everything first it's "prove to me that you know the dance (that I fathomed), then it's "It sucks, because I can't do it". AHHHHHHHH

Who is sam?

I very much so respect a person that openly says they dis-like me rather than pretending not ot.

You know what though, all this complaining isn't gonna get me anywhere. Because no one is gonna change... they're just life lessons. That the majority of everyone I try to befriend... suck. But then I have to look at it on the other side... Do I suck to other people? Because then that makes me no less of a hypo then everyone else...

Let me know...

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