5 questions

Jul 13, 2006 15:48

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the

3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone
  else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five

Thanks to
marktapiokines for providing an excuse to take a break from work! On to the questions!

1. What characteristics - good and bad - do you think adequately define a
  native Seattleite?

One-mindedness, stubborn, unable to see forest for the trees, idealistic, creative and driven.

2. Provided that you'd be guaranteed to live healthily and happily until
  the age of at least 80, would you be willing to NOT produce a single film
  - not a short, not a feature, not even a commercial - for the next twenty
  years, if at that point you were given enough money to produce as many
  films as you wanted for the rest of your life?

Nope. As much as it sucks not having money to make some of the movies I want to, it's something I have to do. Beyond the money, beyond getting paid, I have a creative need to make movies. I don't think I could manage for 20 years and not make a single film. Besides, you never know if one of those films will pave the way or not!

3. The state of things in the U.S. gets worse and worse until finally the
  government says "Dom, we'll let you legally move to any country on earth
  and live the life you want. Except Canada." Which country do you choose?

I have to be honest here and say I don't know enough about the global political climate to say what my ideal country to live in would be. An obvious answer would be Ireland for me, just because of the whole Irish thing and it's always seemed like a distant home. New Zealand or Australia seem rockin' and have great film scenes. These are, admittedly, all english-speaking and I'd probably enjoy myself just as much in Greece or Russia or God knows where. Every place is gonna have its quirks, eh?

4. Who do you think are cinema's most overrated film directors? (Name as
  many as you wish.)

Kevin Smith, Eli Roth, George Lucas, Baz Luhrman. It's hard to disconnect a bad director from an overrated one. The two are not necessarily one and the same.

5. Given your current resources, if you were told today that on this date
  next year you'll suddenly drop dead, what would you do to make your final
  year on earth your happiest?

I'd probably quit my job, sell a bunch of crap, and travel the world with naught but a sleeping bag, my Bambi pillow (shutup!) and a laptop. I'm happiest when I have not a care in the world and not having to have any schedule to keep but for my own demise would be grand. Technically that's always the case I suppose.
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