
May 12, 2006 09:23

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country..."

Who said this? A Bush administration official off-record? A conservative talk-radio host? No! None other than Field Marshal Hermann Goering of the Nazi party! Oh how right he was!

No doubt, by now dear readers, you've been aware that the government - OUR government of duly elected officials, right? - has procured YOUR phone conversations and added them to a massive database. Whether you were engaged in terrorist activity or not, Hell criminal activity or not, your voice is now on record talking about whatever thing you were talking about. Getting groceries, taking the dogs for a walk, asking permission to go to the mall, coordinating a video shoot - Big Brother has been listening. Sure, you may've suspected all along, but now there's proof. PROOF!! And what the Hell are you/me/we doing about it? Shrug, say I told you so and keep on blasting Bush to your sympathetic friends meanwhile holding your breath until the next election?

Time to get pro-active. What Bush and Co. did is ILLEGAL. It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It's UNACCEPTABLE. He is, for better or worse, our president. Not some other guy's president, OURS. We can bitch all we want about how we didn't vote for him, la la la, but he still holds that office and therefore must face the people's wrath when he takes our trust and bends it to his will. He's already illegally begun a war (a WAR!!), killed countless of innocents and American soldiers (PEOPLE DIED for this shmuck!), destroyed environmental sanctuaries and more. But what are we doing? Watching "Outfoxed" with some more sympathetic friends and pondering just what if there is a conspiracy? There is.

I put it to you, my sympathetic friends, that while we may've become complacent in our dealings with the White House and it's policies (which, by the way, are supposed to be OUR policies), I think we may've also lost control of this country. It's not cool. We can't just sit back and whine about things. Time to step up. I'm writing a letter to my congressmen asking what I can do. I suspect a lot will revolve around campaigning for various senate/house seats that come up for re-election this Fall. But that's not enough. I want to hold both Democrat AND Republican accountable. It's not enough to vote parties anymore, as neither side has a clean slate anymore. Everyone is towing the line and frankly that's poor politics.

Yes, I know Bush is bad. Yes it's fun to rag on him. But if you truly are displeased with his presidency and flunkies (and you SHOULD be), please consider at least writing to your congressfolk and seeing what you can do to help enact change. We need to take it upon ourselves to not let anyone else try and speak for us - our agenda must be our own. Until we can right the government that was initially conceived lo those many years ago (flawed, yes, but admirable nonetheless) we're in X-Files territory. Trust no one. Dig deep. Make your voices heard, and not by form letters from HRC, but from honest to goodness direct correspondence and action.

I know it means you'll need to take time out of your busy schedule, but God knows if I can do it you can too. It's time to get off our asses and get this president OUT OF OFFICE. He has massacred innocents in OUR name. We have to let him and the entire government know that we won't just sit idly by anymore. If you already are fully aware of these atrocities and are acting on it, you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. If not... let's start together!

Who's with me?
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