Sun, 15:17: That 20 year span has 10 years where I gave up included & another 7 where I had to learn what I needed to do to complete a novel. #writechat
Sun, 15:32: @ JohnElray As a result of my experiences, it's a pet peeve of mine when people say "this is how writing works, period." HATE IT! #writechat
Sun, 15:33: Finding our own paths may be one of the hardest things we do as authors because so many voices tell us what the path should be. #writechat
Sun, 15:40: Have dinner planned but don't know if I'm cooking. If so: oven fried cornbread chicken, mash, salad, and corn. If Chef cooks? Who knows.
Sun, 16:18: Sent Chef's resume off to Woodfire Grill. :)
Sun, 17:18: Aaaaand the damn cough has started. *sigh*
Sun, 17:19: Sorry, #writechat , hubs came home & a beta reader's comments came in & I had to change a name, & I'm sick.... I got distracted. Lots.
Sun, 17:31: Dinner just got trashed. No way I can cook, Chef doesn't want to. So it's scrounge night, I guess. Me? Probably cereal because I don't care.
Sun, 18:42: Watching MI 4 with the family, then probably crawling into bed. Ready for more sleep. Hopefully more healing too.