... to be a little less...prickly."
Irritation flashed through her, but she kept her voice even. "My Ducati is at the office. I'd like to get it at some point today." She smiled when his eyes widened in surprise. "What? Riding my bike is something I enjoy."
"Fairy hedonism? You sure you're only half?" he smiled. "I'm just trying to imagine a fairy on a motorcycle."
"Should be easy since I always use the glamour."
~ Kale & Randi, Blood Charms
Despite all the shuffling of things around yesterday, the swap appears to be working out and neither chapter look to need more than a few details, time line clarification, and transition fixes. Pretty happy with that.
And in spite of the weather, I managed to finish chapter 20 and get through most of my goals for the day. Today's list is equally small and shouldn't be a huge problem to get through even though I'll be minus the laptop most of the day. The only thing that brought the day down was discovering that we need to replace another tire of the car, and that we're now going to be $600 short on the rent instead of $500. Not that it's a huge difference. I'm suspecting it wouldn't matter: we'd be getting an eviction notice in December regardless.
(And yes, I'm aware of how frequently this has become a topic of late, and yet we're still here. On the one hand, I'd almost like it to just be done with; on the other, I really do hope we get through and can make our move when we're ready rather than when we're forced to. Having the money to move into a home of our choice with all the furry children with us would beat trying to rehome the furry children {assuming we can find places to take them until we can take them back} and staying in a hotel room for however many months.)
Oh, and the weather made it humid hot (which is better than hot humid hot but still as...sticky), and apparently I need to get new bread loaf pans. I have some ceramic ones I want, but like everything else, they have to wait. In the meantime, the cranberry bread tastes good and no one will be here for dinner other than the four of us, so the fact that it looks like crap isn't that big of a deal except to me.
At least Chef got home safely and was in relatively good spirits. He saw his first mentor Chef at the school today, got some fears allayed on homework and an upcoming practicum, and got some advice to take a chill for Thursday (i.e. no homework since he's helping with at least some of the cooking). Today he and I both have kitchen duties: me with cranberry sauce and orange glaze, him with making tons of chicken stock. Even though the lack of work makes the financial mess worse, it'll be nice to have him home for longer than it takes him to get some sleep for a few days. I know once he gets out of school, our time together will become even more limited since he plans to work more than one (and possibly more than two) jobs, but just school and work has been hard enough. Kinda miss having him around in the evening. And, yea, I admit it: miss his cooking LOTS! (But must admit, I do NOT miss all the dishes he leaves behind!)
Okay, numbers real quick...
Word Counts Yesterday
Total New (incl WB): 0
Total Words: 5656
Total Pages Revised: 27
starting line:
"Everything okay?" Kale asked as Randi closed the car door.
"Fine." Still unnerved, her response was more curt than she intended. She buckled her seatbelt and waited, staring out the front window. All she wanted was to be away from here, preferably without a third degree.
ending line:
She tucked her simmering irritation under a cool façade. "I'd be interested in seeing the interviews."
Really made more progress in Charms than I realized when I look at it. I managed to pretty much sort out and revise two chapters in the space of two days. That's unheard of for me. Kinda makes me nervous, actually, but so far my pre-beta reader is happy with what I've done, even the new bits.
Today's to do....
» AM stretch
» 5 min Core
» cranberry sauce
» orange glaze for ham
» fin. laundry
» fin. B.C. chapter 21
» B.C. chapter 22
» 1250 words
» Crit
Market Finders update
» dishes
» PM stretch
» reading
» beta reading
I'm tempted to work on the cranberry sauce now, but that's better done when Chef has the laptop and I've got nothing else to do. :P
In the meantime, plenty to keep me busy. and distracted, tonight....
most recent
not looking good :: journeys
Finding Tools That Workthe chef's wife
Cranberry Sauce