First, my short "Into Stone" will be up at
Golden Visions tomorrow. It was previously published in COSMIC SpecFic (a short lived (?) zine by Edward McFadden) and Aoife's Kiss.
Love making announcements like that. :D
Another not so good day writing wise yesterday, but here's the thing: I'm stuck on a fight that I can't see, and that's making it difficult to rewrite or revise.
See, I'm a visual reader, which is why minimalist description doesn't work for me. I visualize what the author gives me. If they give me nothing, I don't see anything, and that makes the book less successful for me. It's the same for my writing. I write what I see. If I can't see it in my head, it's that much harder for me to write it.
And I'm not seeing this fight. So I've been working on it for two or three days and struggling with it. Only did about one page yesterday, but I almost completely revamped what was going on in the fight, annihilating two paragraphs I'd already written and writing three new ones. Hopefully it'll stick next round because I'm kinda starting to see it a little bit now. It's just taking more work than I'm used to sort out the footwork.
Word Counts Yesterday
World Building: 227
Total New (incl WB): 227
Total Words: 227
Total Pages Revised: 1
Hopefully today will be better all around. Chef is home, so I'm not making dinner, and he did the main part of the shopping trip. Food this week is going to be the cheap easy kind, for the most part, because that's all we can afford, but there will be food. I'll have to pick up the last of it tomorrow. But with Chef doing two of the more time consuming things of the day, I have a much smaller list and can keep kinda focused. Maybe. Assuming the kids let me keep focused. lol
So, my to do for the rest of what remains of the day....
» AM stretch
» dishes
» B.C. revisions: ch23
» Mists plot building
» 1100 + 300 in world building
» check story in GV
» 1 DII crit
» journeys archive
» PM stretch
» reading
Hopefully I can get past this fight and move on in this chapter. Would be nice. Just need to get past the feeling that I'd rather crawl back in bed and get to work.
As soon as the family stops distracting me....
most recent
where is the time going? :: journeys
Charms Rough, A.C. Out, & A Quandary :: booklog
Changesthe chef's wife
Mediterranean Herbed Rice