Dec 15, 2010 02:22
- 12:07:08: @ gracebrierwood I get my stuff pretty quickly with free shipping. I do have 2 books coming now that are puzzling the hell out of me though.
- 13:00:29: So, youngest not moving out after all. Turns out the other mother hadn't heard anything about it. lol
- 13:04:18: Take it all the way to the end, Richard!
- 13:22:53: Okay, need to throw a load in then get dishes done before I can write. Today is short domestically. ;)
- 14:55:49: Going through my A.C. queries & nudging those who haven't responded & should have & deleting those who rejected it from my submissions box.
- 15:11:54: Three Quickfire Challenge wins and four Elimination wins? It's all about Richard!
- 15:17:07: @ Kristen_Howe Richard...or Dale L...or Tiffany...mostly Richard. lol
- 15:17:29: Okay, time to try to get a sprint or two in before the screaming begins. lol
- 15:18:32: @ Kristen_Howe Last seasons. Season 1 is Tiffani. I, not a Y.
- 18:03:15: Oven-fried chicken in the oven, getting started. In about 30, I'll turn on the potatoes for the mash and cut up broccoli and carrots. :)
- 18:15:14: @ gracebrierwood - Smaller than I expected! Congrats!
- 18:24:10: @ gracebrierwood I was surprised when I got mine that it was so small and light. lol
- 18:39:53: I am surrounded by kids who want to watch TV more than they want to keep warm. o.O
- 18:52:53: I need to nose around for some new agents to query, but I don' wanna. :P
- 19:14:40: Yep, should have started the potatoes and veggies earlier. Turned the oven down, but here's hoping the chicken survives. *sigh*
- 20:11:41: 397 on sprint one. Yep, finally writing. Actually should have been earlier, but was distracted and just couldn't wrap my head around it.
- 20:58:32: I swear, these freezing temps have turned every physical problem I have to high gear, & it's freakin' ANNOYING! & I'm hating my fight scene.
- 21:08:30: 345 in second sprint. Pushing on ahead.
- 21:57:30: 352 in my third sprint. I think the cold is making me hungry. We just ate and I've got the munchies. I hate this weather. On to sprint four.
- 22:10:56: It's 27F out there right now, and hubs has another 30 minutes on the job. Sooooo glad he's not riding the bike home!
- 22:25:13: A bit short on sprint four with 290. On to sprint five. But need a munchie first, I think. Don't think we have much but I'll find something.
- 22:57:26: 387 on sprint 5. & I'm realizing that I have a problem with a lot of repetition in this manuscript. & I've already got word count problems.
- 22:59:18: 1780 for the night & done for now. Just tired. :P
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