House is probably a loss. Return is being "examined" and that could take another 2 months. Neither the lender nor the bank holding the house will wait that long.
Stupid employer is taking a new deduction from the man's paycheck for overages on the phones they use for work. Most would see this as a part of operating expenses. Not this company. They pass the costs on to their employees. It's not a big amount, but that it's being done at all is beyond wrong.
At least he won't have to stay there much longer. House or no house, once the house is resolved, he'll be able to try to move on to something better and we can both report this company and sue them.
Found out 2nd daughter is cutting. She can't afford her insurance co-pays, so lord knows how we're supposed to deal with that, especially after she moves into the too small house we're in now.
To add insult to injury: dog pissed in the kitchen and crapped in the "office" (dining room turned into an office).
I'm tired, frustrated, depressed. This house would have helped solve so many problems for so many people, and in a good way. Not even a do over can save today.
No writing. Not sure when there will be again. Thought about revising, but I'm just not there. All I really want is bed.
most recent
breaking the silence :: journeys
Crazy Busy :: booklog
Small Favor