Sep 20, 2009 23:55
- 11:28 People have started to notice my resources for writers again. Guess I better clean it up and update soon.... #
- 11:32 @ dreamsevolve On my way! #
- 11:37 Running late this morning, but I'm in chat for any DIIer who wishes to join me! :) As for the writing. more A.C. & Charms today! #
- 11:55 @ InkyTwig @DLStephenson Come join us in DII chat! We actually have people in today! #
- 12:54 @ vg_ford We have newbies popping up in chat; come join us! #
- 14:37 Not sure I'll participate in #writechat today. Starting v6 revisions & want to be focused. #
- 15:20 One of the changes I made in the world building is forcing me to revise the prologue a bit. Since it was pretty polished, this is HARD! lol #
- 15:20 @ dreamsevolve Probably! Join us in chat! #
- 16:45 @ vg_ford Newbie in chat! Join us! You missed the other newbie though.... #
- 17:40 Yay. More rain and thunder. /sarcasm #
- 18:16 @ LisaJJackson Hey, lady, if you haven't gotten to A.C. ch 10 on DII, you need to soon. Starting v6 revisions and really want your input! #
- 18:32 @ LisaJJackson Just letting you know the rush is on...sorta. House stuff trumps novel stuff, but, yea, digging in for the "fast" revisions. #
- 19:06 Prologue & ch 1 gone through based on my own notes (no crits taken into account) & so far, so good. Nice & easy, which is nice after v4/5! #
- 22:31 Wow. I actually knew so many of the ones who passed this year. I cried. #
- 23:10 Time to make a lunch and try to do some dishes...maybe. 5:30 morning tomorrow. We'll see what the week holds.... #
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