Just a little fairy dust...

Aug 31, 2009 23:55

  • 00:03 @ DLStephenson Thanks for the shout out for DII! Rest well! :D I've got at least 2 more hours of writing to go myself. ;) #
  • 00:09 Need another 1k tonight. For a notes draft, there aren't a lot of notes. lol Not too surprised, I suppose; trying to get the story down. #
  • 00:39 Clingy kitteh has taken up residence on my lap. Unrelated: this munchy thing has got to stop. I had 2 servings of cobbler: more than enough! #
  • 01:37 Word count made. Should try to crit, but have another storm headache. Still, I should at least try. An example to others at DII & all that. #
  • 01:43 Nope. Definitely done for tonight. Need to set up goals for this upcoming week, take some Tylenol or Advil migraine, & just chill for a bit. #
  • 11:42 My back lost some strength o/the last week & 1/2: can't get as far in CR w/o pain. Hate going backwards. Schedule settling would help lots. #
  • 11:44 Going to try sec 2 of the kick start again bef stretching. Still want to get as close to 30 min of CR as I can, but sec 3 is prob too much. #
  • 11:45 Hopefully the break spent here typing will be enough so I can actually complete the section. As long as my back & knee don't hurt too much. #
  • 11:51 Note: I've been trimming who I follow because I just can't keep up. And I'm being REALLY choosy about who I add. Just no time for everyone. #
  • 11:52 @ DLStephenson I only did the 1st section for wks bec of back & knee issues & the it had been so long since I'd done anything active. #
  • 11:54 @ DLStephenson 1st sec isn't all that hard/painful. 2nd sec irritates my knee some for some rsn. 3rd sec will take awhile to be able to fin. #
  • 11:56 @ lights_aurora I prefer to follow people who respond to me now & then. If they ain't talking to me & aren't something like CNN, off they go. #
  • 11:56 Back to section 2 of CR. Been sitting too long already. Then stretch & shower. Be back soon! ;) #
  • 12:09 @ DLStephenson I also do the upper body moves when sitting and working on something else when I can, mostly to increase strength in my back. #
  • 12:10 @ DLStephenson But I figure the extra movement probably doesn't hurt either. Have to expend the calories to lose the weight. #
  • 12:12 @ DLStephenson & the stretching helps A LOT. I do the sitting stretch from this: bit.ly/3gQGJ Okay, time to stretch & shower! #
  • 12:14 Why am I being followed by social networking tweeters? NOT INTERESTED! You will be BLOCKED. *grumbles and goes to stretch and shower* #
  • 12:29 @ wendywoowho LOL! Never did, so don't understand why I'm being besieged now! But I've noticed that mentioning a new keyword results in spam. #
  • 12:30 Time for shower & weigh in. Not expecting much on the weigh in. Last week was such a disaster. Hopefully this week will be better. #
  • 12:59 Lord I get stiff after not working out for a few days. After a week...Oh. My. Gawd. #
  • 13:06 No loss, but no gain eith. I'll take that considering the disarray my exercise was last wk (& 1. how badly I tracked food, & 2. the cheats). #
  • 14:48 @ DLStephenson lol Sorry. It's VERY easy. I only do the 1 section after the CR workout. I think it's helped w/my back as much as CR, or more. #
  • 15:06 Sometimes the FB interface on TweetDeck drives me batty. #
  • 15:28 . @ psycho_meower Squeaks? Your cat SQUEAKS? lol Sure she's not a mouse? #
  • 15:53 Okay, need to get my goals post up at LJ and get to work. Head is still bothering me (stupid storm), but I've wasted enough time today. #
  • 15:53 @ lights_aurora Expensive buggers, huh? And we're talking about getting 2 or 3 trees when we get into the new house. #
  • 16:30 @ psycho_meower I think so since it's not a science, but I'm not 100% positive. Why? #
  • 17:26 WOOT! Repair and save our asses money has come in. Now if only the tax return would come in so we can get a move on with closing! #
  • 18:02 LJ post up, but head exploding. Laying down now. :( #
  • 18:44 Since money came in today, Chinese food for dinner tonight. & tomorrow? Grocery shopping so we have food in the house. :P #
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