Phoenix 1 Building Draft

Jun 04, 2009 16:24

Phoenix Rising b.d.
starting count: 67,130
ending count: 67,882
gain/loss: +752
Actual (processed) word count: 1804

Total New Words (Day/Week): 2322 / 5205
Total for the Day: 2322
Total for the Week: 5205

starting line:
Elahi felt both relief and unease when Bryanae finally called for a council meeting a few days later.

ending line:
Tyr rose and took Elahi's arm, escorting her from the room as well.

Bryanae rose and glared Jaair down. "I will not remove her from thsi council unless absolute proof can be produced. I have seen nothing but loyalty for the Thalionrhoes and from Elahi. I feel her connectio to this land. I am a Guardian, and I know when another has the heart of a Guardian even if they do not have the magic. Elahi is such a person. You have trusted the Guardians to rule, you can trust Elahi on this council."

Chanjar said quietly, "But Elahi is not a Guardian. She does not have that...guarantee that being a Guardian gives us."

Bryanae's voice was gentle. "No, she does not. But that does not diminish the spirit of a Guardian that burns within her. If she had the connection with the magic, I have no doubt she would have followed that calling."

So, something interesting is happening with this particular building draft: it is getting more the feel of a rough draft. I'm wondering if I can treat it as such and just begin revisions once this draft is done. Descriptions and such seem to be worked in all through the revising process, so that I don't have them in the draft the way I'm supposed to is probably not a problem. And it looks like the draft is going to be okay in terms of word count. In fact, I may need to do some cuts (and I have some ideas of what might need to be cut).

Some things to consider.

Time for another small break, then to try to get some work done on my chapter.


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