Shall We Try That Again?

Jun 02, 2009 10:30

So one other bit of good news from yesterday (buried in all the craziness): Since the doctor told me to lose weight and I've started cutting portions, I've apparently lost 4 pounds (that's assuming a minimal discrepancy between the two scales). I've added a weight loss of 2-3 pounds to the goals for this week. Weigh-in will be Mondays, probably in the mornings (first one was around noon, but I post goals in the morning and would need to know if I've lost anything before I post).

I've been surprised by two things in this process so far, one being the weight loss itself. I didn't expect portion sizes alone to make much of a difference, I was just trying to prepare for the serious business of weight loss as ordered by the doctor. The second is that the reduced portions haven't been that big of a deal so far. The first day was kind of tough, but since then...not so hard. One of the things I need to start doing now is adjusting my servings so I'm more in line with what I should be eating out of each food group. I suspect this means less bread and more fruits and veggies, which will be tough on our income. I'm sure the reduced portions will get tougher when we add the exercise back in, but for now it's going much better than I expected.

There was one other surprise. I was trying to find the diabetic exchange lists to understand what an exchange is (turns out it wasn't that big of a deal; they could just call it servings, they just want to point out any one serving in a particular food group can be exchanged for a serving of another food within the same group) and went to the American Diabetes Association. You have to buy their pocket guide to get a clue. I did finally find them and printed them the Mayo Clinic. *rolls eyes* I've bookmarked Mayo's diabetic pages for future reference, especially if I'm finally diagnosed as diabetic.

Have a few things to do today before I start writing, but hopefully I will actually write. Household is a little more settled than it was last night. Unlike with my second daughter, youngest doesn't create a stir every day, thank God.

Today's To Do List:

» A.C. 35.4
» 1200 words
» 300 in world building
» start advent story
» money pick up
» FM for fruits & veggies
» dishes
» green bags

Getting everyone put together for the farmer's market. We should be out the door in the next 30 minutes. When we get back, I'll get started on the writing goals, I hope. I found out one of the reasons I've been having trouble breathing and was so tired yesterday was the air quality, which is pretty bad today too. Hopefully not being out for as long as I was yesterday will make a difference in terms of how tired I am when we get back.


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