Is that they tend to kick in when you are most likely to have problems doing what you're supposed to do. Yes, still a little tired, but am actually waking up a bit and ready to get some work done. And I'm betting that's because the night owl schedule is pretty much in play and taking over, despite not getting enough sleep today. I'm counting tonight's overnight as part of this past week so I can cross more of this stuff off:
Goals This Week
» catalogue tweaks
» slush
» score ed test
Writing/Personal - Challenges
» A.C. 28. 5, 29.4 & 29.5
» A.C. world building, 4000 words: Tiroshen -- fin. country, work on culture
» 4 DII crits :: 1
Writing/Personal - Other
» 750 on Phoenix
White List update
» new
Meta» journals: whysper, journeys
» exercise :: 2 days plus a day of grocery shopping (walking through 2 stores is exercise for my lazy self)
» bed time reading :: finished Hunter, working on The Queen's Bastard but will probably devour With the Light: Raising An Autistic Child Vol. 3 first....
Tonight specifically I need to get 900 more words in world building to make the w.b. goal for the week and 3 crits. Don't think the crits are going to happen, though I'll probably get 1 or 2 in before I call it a night, but I can definitely get the 900 words in before midnight. It'll be nice to have that goal met for at least ONE week of the challenge (2 if you count the first week). Also on tonight's list for sure: dishes and bentos, and maybe a review of Hunter on my booklog. Might look at the catalogue again, but we'll see. The big thing I want to do is to take out the previous and next links on the individual and category pages and to use excerpts on the category and archive pages (but not the individual or main pages). If I can accomplish that much with TextPattern, I will be a happy camper. I also need to make sure to exercise tonight around 3:30 or 4:00 AM.
Not sure I'll get anything beyond all that, but we shall see. In the meantime, better start on that 900! :)
See? Waking up! (But tomorrow? Most definitely will totally crash!)
most recent
the end :: journey
Challenged :: booklog
The Four Forges