"Human" has been "officially" accepted by Worlds of Wonder. As noted when I sent it, no surprise, but she hasn't said anything about changing the changes that were made either. This is good. She's wanted the story for a long while now, and I wasn't sure how the last revision would go over. There were some major cuts in particular. Anyway, it should be out in December. You'll be able to purchase the e-version from the
LP store. Hard copies are currently still through LuLu.com.
tsykika begins packing up today. :(
My first FP book is up!
After All These Years. Not thrilled with the cover art, but this was the story I liked. It's very sweet and the sex is mild.
I call the HR department today to quit subbing so I have a termination date for my retirement money paperwork.
I don't know if I should post stats for last week or not. No one's mentioned missing them. Maybe monthly stats is enough? It's not like much changes except the word count, right? So, should I post weeklies any more or not? Hrm.... Thoughts, flist?
most recent
a lot going on journey
Still Busy :: lesson
Outlining :: meta
Learning From Harry Potter booklog
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows