Seems having a few unplanned things, even good things, can totally throw me off, and I end up not getting much done. While my son and husband both benefit greatly from a routine that rarely changes, I used to thrive on fluidity. Not so much any more. Seems I'm becoming more hidebound, and that kind of bothers me. Not so much because I have something against routines, but because things not going as planned throws me off. I need some of that thriving in fluidity again. I'm also unlikely to get much of it as I try to keep the household relatively stable and on some kind of routine for the boys.
Today's unplanned trip came from some good stuff: a refund check from AT&T. Deposited that and picked up a few things at the store then ordered two of my son's birthday books plus a book each for me and for Chef (his is on fish, one he wanted in case he gets into the fish restaurant...and for his Caribbean cooking since they use a lot of fish and seafood). I have another book I want to pick up for boyo for his birthday (which was earlier this month), but the grocery trip was a bit more than I wanted to spend and I had to pull one off. He'll be happy with the two, and maybe I can get the other book before the end of the month (probably not, but one can hope!).
This is all good, but it threw me off, then a rejection I received threw me off my game even more. I'm usually "whatever" or "oh another one" and almost always "send it out again!" when I get rejections. But I have to admit, I prefer something specific in the rejection or a general "not for me". This one had a list of things that could have been "wrong" with the submission as reasons the agent didn't take it. It was obviously a form rejection, but it really bothered me. It doesn't help me as an author since it doesn't specify which thing was wrong, so what was the point of the list? Publishing is a very subjective industry, so I'd honestly rather a general "not for me" response or, if the editor or agent wants to give a reason, then give a specific reason. And, honestly, the way this one was phrased really irritated me as well.
All which makes me sound whiny. But I'll be honest: the tone of that rejection really turned me off and made me wonder if I'd want to work with this person. I'm not trying to burn bridges, but how you turn someone away says a lot about you. I think my answer to working with this person would be a no. I'm unlikely to submit there again. Being a writer is an angsty enough path without other people adding to it. Which is not to say I can't work with criticism. I can and I do. But criticism should be specific and direct.
The good thing was a bit of good news that came on the heels of that rejection. Something Wicked sent me an addendum to the contract they sent for "God of Light". Turns out, "GoL" will be appearing in their first anthology (along with about every other story that was in the first several issues, but still....). They will be sending me a copy of the print book, which has a gorgeous cover. I'm really looking forward to receiving it!
And I got fantastic news from a friend. She's been offered a contract for a book that I critted awhile ago. I absolutely loved it and think it deserves a traditional publisher, but it rocks my socks that it will be getting published by a respectable small press. She's not announcing it yet, so I can't be more specific, but I'm very, VERY happy for her and am looking forward to buying the book.
Got some beta reading done today, but no editing. Did my stretch, but not my step, though that was made up for with the shopping walk. Not sure what I'll get done exercise wise tonight because I'm fighting a storm headache that started late last night. Kiddo did his chores, but I was behind pretty much from the gate and didn't get to the chores on my list. Did get words though-started a new Tirs chapter that I plan to finish tonight. Might tinker with Shades tonight as well, if I can kick my motivation into gear. Starting tomorrow, Chef will be house sitting until Monday or Tuesday, and I won't see him except for our usual run around on Friday, so I might get more done than usual. Kinda bothers me that it works like that, especially since he's not around much as it is, and it's not like he tries to get in my way, but I guess it's just having an extra distraction in the house.
Time to try to get something done. Like that chapter. :)
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