Not The Progress I Wanted

Jul 25, 2012 00:04

But it was something.

For one, the car is no longer a fancy looking but unmovable storage unit. More than a little annoyed with the people who came out to take care of it. We told them it was a chipped key and they quoted us $85. Imagine my surprise when the guy got here and was "surprised" it was a chipped key and quoted me an additional $90 after already taking the $85. I was so pissed. They did take it down to $150, but that was still $10 more than the local guy I'd found. Will never use these guys again. The bait and switch routine pisses me off. On the plus side, the new key isn't like the old key and shouldn't break. The head of the old key was in two pieces to begin with. This one is one smooth piece. And it works. Thank God.

I also got a little over 500 words on my new project idea. As expected, when I didn't push, the ideas started to fill in beginning with the main character. The main plot is set up as well. Have to work out my subplots, my villains, and so on, but the basic foundation is there, and I'm pretty pleased with it. Just need to focus on getting my draft for Phoenix done, then I can set that aside and start plot building the new idea. My only concern is making sure I keep new idea separate from Randi and Tirs. Hoping it won;t be too hard: changing from a third to a first person pov, changed the location (heck, changed coasts!), and different characters even though in the same world. We'll see. I had issues working on two Alden novels at once, but the second book was the second in the same trilogy as the first, and I was trying to keep where the characters were int heir growth separated. Didn't work.

I do wish I'd made some progress on Phoenix, especially since I can set it aside once the draft is done, but it was just busy enough a day to prevent that.

Didn't get my housework done today because the car took at least an hour and then I went to the grocery store. It was getting late when we got back and I knew I'd be working on dinner early, so chores got bumped to tomorrow so I could get some editing done. Didn't get much of that done, but did get some.

Otherwise, not a whole heck of a lot went on. But, you know, not going to count it as a bad day. The sun was shining, and I felt pretty good. Almost forgot what it was like to be without a headache. :P

I'm going to be content with this one and hope tomorrow (well, today now, I guess) is at least as good. ;)


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