But probably won't post it.
I got very distracted towards the end of yesterday and have just spent several hours working on expanding a synopsis.
Charms just got it's first full request. :D
Even if the agent doesn't offer to rep, it's a good sign. A.C. never got a full request this early in submissions. My previous query for Charms also has yet to get a request. So I'm taking this as a sign that the tweaked query is working better than the original query. I already knew Charms was in a better place genre-wise. Since this one was one that also requested sample pages with the query, I'm hoping that this also shows the writing is pretty solid.
But obviously I'm pretty distracted at the moment, By tomorrow, it should settle, and I'll be able to focus on getting things done.
You just won't see much going on here today.
most recent
oh my lord busy :: journeys
Coming Out Of Darknessthe chef's wife
Cranberry Sauce