Wed, 12:14: RT @ SaraMegibow: Errors in the process and in the product. These happen. A lot. Interested in publishing? Pull on your patience hat. #pubtip
Wed, 12:21: RT @ _AKA_: "Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down." - Ray Bradbury R.I.P.
Wed, 12:22: Likes the quote: "If you stuff yourself full of poems, essays, plays, stories, novels, films, comic strips, magazi...
Wed, 12:23: RT @ WritersRelief: We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip over and let the beautiful stuff o ...
Wed, 12:56: Getting my "info book" back in shape. A LOT of updates and changes to make. Unlike filing, though, once it's done, it's done for awhile.
Wed, 13:30: I spent 10 minutes house cleaning. 41 calories burned. #LoseIt
Wed, 13:32: Just sent boyo off to the pool w/his sister. One of the nice things about the apartment: there are things for him to do other than watch TV.
Wed, 14:43: Okay, people, no more dying. Last member of the Platters, Bradbury, Richard Dawson, Kathryn Joosten. We need a break now. *sighs*
Wed, 14:44: Finally starting to feel more like myself. Helps the sun is out even if it doesn't quite get into the apartment. lol
Wed, 14:48: RT @ LaurenDeStefano: Go forth and put good things into the world today, guys. Never mind if you get them in return. Someone out there wi ...
Wed, 14:52: At this point, there's no way to hide that we have 2 extra cats. They ALL like the dining room....
Wed, 14:53: I have a key that I have no idea what it's for....