Idiot, slow down

Mar 30, 2006 21:47

A - Available: Single, but no... school owns me
A - Age: 17
A - Annoyance: Liars, naggers

B - Best Friends: They should know
B - Bar: Ask me after I turn 18 :)
B - Birthday: September 24th

C - Crush: That's for me to know
C - Car: Haven't got one
C - Cat: I hate cats

D - Dead Pets Name: Never had a pet, well I did, but they aren't dead yet
D - Dads Name: Huang
D - Dog: No dog :(

E - Easiest person to talk to: There are a lot
E - Eggs: Are awesome
E - Email:

F - Favorite color: Green
F - Favorite ethnicity: That's stupid

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms
G - God: Don't believe in God
G - Good Time: This year? Far and few between

H - Hair Color: Black
H - Height: 5'2
H - Happy: Too stressed out, tired or busy to be happy or to notice

I - Ice Cream: Chocolate, cookies and cream
I - Instrument: Piano, because it's the only one I play
I - Idol: As in that tv show? None. Otherwise, my dad, Pat Rafter and Steve Waugh

J - Jewelry: Earrings
J - Job: School owns me
J - Joke: Haven't got one

K - Kids: No, I'm fine with babysitting my sister's
K - Karate: The Karate Kid is awesome, haha
K - Kung fu: No

L - Longest Car Ride: To DC, I've never been so happy to stetch my legs ever
L - Longest Relationship: A month and a bit, ahahah
L - Last Kiss: Like, over a year ago, lol, becuase that's not embarrassing

M - Milk Flavor: Milk
M - Mothers Name: Li
M - Movie Last Watched: Billy Elliot for the 2974917319731472834128348262834687th time

N - Number of Siblings: 2 sisters
N - Northern or Southern: Southern
N - Name: Karen

O - One Wish: That everything will be ok
O - One Phobia: Spiders
O - Other Pop: Pepsi... what?

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Married
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My right knee
P - Part of your Personality you like best: I'm a good listener... I think

Q - Quote: Q - Question for the next person: What's blue and smells like red paint?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Depends

R - Reason to smile: Turning 18, the end of the year, GRADUATING
R - Reality TV Show: They all suck... although I don;t mind The Biggest Loser, haha
R - Right or Left: Right

S - Song Last Heard: No Surprises - Radiohead
S - Season: SUMMER!!!!
S - Sex: Female, hahaa

T - Time you woke: 7am
T - Time Now: 9.43pm
T - Time for bed: Like, 15 minutes

U - Unknown Fact about me: I can rotate my hands around 360 degrees, but not at the same time... that's just sick
U - Unicorns?: What about them, knobhead?
U - You are: Stressed out

V - Vegetable you dislike: Broccoli
V - Vegetable you love: Onion?
V - View on politics: Love talking about it, although politicians piss me off... fucking work relations laws

W- Worst habbit?: I bite my nails, and my showers are too long
W- Where are you going to travel: GH
W- Website: LiveJournal, and Xanga and MySpace

X - X-Rays: My chest
X - X-Rated Porn: Pfft
X - X-tra special someone: My graphing calculator

Y - Year you were born: 1988, Bicentennial, beyotches! (Which makes no sense to you Americans :P)
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Jaundice

Z - Zoo Animal: Haven't been to the zoo since I was 5
Z - Zodiac: Libra
Z - Zoolander: Haha, that's funny.
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