Jan 03, 2007 11:23
Happy new year everyone, gorging over, time to get down to the nitty gritty.
1) Organise my time better. I cannot emphasise how much I really don't want to be doing my dissertation the night beforehand. However I cannot really draw up a timetable with erratic working hours and erratic friends organising nights out. Just going to set realistic goals "Have A done by B time" etc etc
2) Keep in better contact with friends. This includes seeing my friend ROchelle out in Portugal, keeping in touch with friends from home, work and uni. Maybe at least once every six months...
3) Lose a bit of weight. Im not fat but I have outgrown some of my clothes and I cannot afford new ones, so the podge has to go. This includes: rejoin gym, try and go a couple of times and STOP EATING SO MUCH HALF BAKED BEN AND JERRYS
4) Do something productive this summer. I have money set aside to do a week long gorge of the West End. Ive worked out costs and its possible. However I also need to get on archaeological digs. That means also completing in time, all the forms I have to submit to do a Masters Degree. Please accept me.
5) Be realistic. There is a chance I may be moving down to Cardiff, there may be a chance that I could end up leaving people behind. I need to work something out so everyone is happy. Also if uni work is becoming too much, I have to quit work, not keep threatening to or moaning about it the nearest person (ie Glynn or Matt or Emily). I may end up poor but I can always sell a kidney or rejoin work again in the vacation periods.
6) Manage my money. If Im doing a Masters then I have to build more money up. its respectable at the moment but it needs to keep building to afford Summer as well.
Am I going to stick to them? Probably not. Too poor to go to the gym, I have chocolate left over from Christmas and I like lazing about. Oh well. I have a week and a half before term starts to finish the work I started. Probably while watching my dvd copy of Maid Marian and her Merry Men. Yes you heard right. Altogether now. Why don't you carry on with what you're doing...