continuation from
Hairstyles in DK/SDK - #1seems like I forgot Tsuyo's 'curly' hair in the previous post~ gyaaah how can I miss it~ the obvious hairstyle~ XD;; you can see it in the previous post now. XD;;
Tsuyoshi's Hairstyles in DK #101- #200:
Old - newest; Left to right, top to bottom
and I like the most:
Row 1; almost all although he has various kind of stylings of that MotoKare's short hairstyles. XD looks cuuuuute
Row 2; 1st, 2nd look cuteee to me. XD
Row 4; 2nd (kinda like he tied his hair a bit upper XD) , 4th
Row 5; love both since it's the same versions. XD XD I call it pineapple hair heheheh XD the 'tail' seems growing longer and longer haha. XD
Row 3; 4th~ rebounding hairstyle~ looks soooo thin neh~ XD;;
somehow Tsuyo with soft long long hair (without beard/moustache) makes him look errr.. too pretty mature 'woman'-ish hehehehe.. and those drawings for the eyebrows somehow look 'feminine'-ish too X3.. but I kinda like that eyebrows too lol. XD
hope I didn't miss any obvious hairstyle changing after this XD;;
Kouichi's Hairstyles in DK #101 - #200:
Old - newest; Left to right, top to bottom
I like the most:
Row 1; 2nd, 4th
Row 2; alllll
Row 3; 1st
it's kinda hard to do his hairstyle's evolution lol. but all the pics in Row 2, luvvv it~ it's really rare to see him make that spiky hairstyles~ XD XD I believe it's just for that one day recording only TDT Row 2; 1st and 2nd are the same episode. XD XD