end of july, beginning of august

Aug 11, 2005 00:33

So much for getting back into Livejournal. I haven't updated in over a month, so as you may've guessed tons of crazy shit has gone down.
First and foremost there is a for sale sign in front of my house. I haven't seen it yet, but it's there.
Another huge piece of gossip that I'll share about my life is that there is a new addition to our apartment...CHAS! A MINI DACHSHUND. aka WEENIE DOG. He's been here over a month and we're babysitting him for the rest of the summer if not just keeping him.

That's not Chas. In fact he;s gotten much longer. Thats the cool thing about weenie dogs, they don't get taller, just longer.
He owns a pink polo and a trenchcoat.
I've been telling the story of my life through Cartoon. I have a book filled with comic strips already. Some good. some allright.
ANOTHER tid bit- I quit Coldstone. My last day is on Friday. Thank God, because the time in one's life in which they are serving ice cream to people should last no longer than a few months. My new job is at Bella's in Newton Center. Alee got me the job and I trained this afternoon. Things are looking pretty okay.
Last weekend was good. I attempted to go to 3 parties in one night, but only made it to 2, both of which were dress up cocktail parties. One was hosted by Jimmy and the other by N.S. Me and the ladies got dolled and had a goood time. Although the first thing I did when I got to Jimmy's was open a bottle of carbonated cranberry beverage that spilt all over my outfit. It came out in like 3 seconds which was nice. I think I have good karma.
Life has been lived very zen-like. I'm reading "Whereever you go, there you are" and am getting into meditation, long walks, bike rides around the city, organic eating, aromatherapy and other things that are good for you.
that's what's good here. hoollerr back.
I often daydream of california.
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