Aug 28, 2009 15:50
Prreeettttyyy much, I had my 39 week 2day appointment todayyyy....
I was 50% effaced and 1cm dilated, sooo I gave my doctor the go ahead to sweep my membranes and oh that was a WHOLE lot of fun *snrk*.
So also pretty much, I am cramping a lot, and have a bit of a headache. Annnnd I think after this weekend there's going to be a BABY.
Stacey is on her way tonight, and I'm waiting to hear back from the doula organization.
Unfortunately my doula came down with tonsilitis :( which is no fault of her own! And I'm not upset or let down at all, because she's a sweetheart, and it's completely not something she can help! But they do not let people into the rooms when they are sick, especially because it's highly contagious and new baby's and contagens don't mix so well. I -was- contacted by the doula organization with a possible doula so I'm hoping possibly that she's still available and that that works out all good and everything.
I'm sure everything will work out fine anyhow and I'm not worried :)
But yeah, pretty much, baby is kinda happening!
Also, my sister made delicious flatbread pannini pizza's for lunch for me, with garlic, and spinach, and fajita chicken, and parmesan, and parsley and oregano and they were delicious, and then, watermelon happened, and watermelon is also effin' delicious.