Apr 18, 2012 11:31
It's been (and continues to be) an interesting exercise in considering the things I own and if I want to own them. Unfortunately, the process of efficiently disposing of the things I no longer want to own takes time -- a scarce resource.1 On the other hand, it's clear that I haven't taken the time to be deliberate in many years. I'm mostly taking the time now because the hassle of moving to a bigger place is greater than the hassle of doing the filtering. Besides, there's something calming about reducing the material attachments.
Don't get me wrong, though, there has also been a certain amount of acquiring going on, just not nearly as much as the de-acquiring.
I haven't heard back on my reduced-hour proposal yet, but it's clear that I have the additional free time for at least the first month earmarked already.
1In particular, I have several hundreds of dollars worth of board games and Magic cards (the portions of my collections that I feel least attached to) that are valuable enough to be liquidated rather than discarded, but that will take time to find the right buyers.