Mar 19, 2006 01:19
Oh.My.God. I just saw possibly the ONLY movie that has ever left me freaked out and nauseous at the end. If you've seen The Hills Have Eyes you'll know what I mean. There were parts that I was laughing through...mostly because I tend to laugh a lot at scary movies. But this one was really different. It was as close to freaking me out as the original 70s version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. One of the reasons that one is so effective is because it's based on something that actually happened AND the actors who played the two main characters both committed suicide after the film was finished. That's creepy.
The reason that The Hills Have Eyes affected me so much, I think, is how likely it is that people COULD have been changed in those 20 years of nuclear testing. Not only in New Mexico, but Nevada and other US-owned islands. And of course, nothing is every as happy or as good as it seems. Wes Craven is a genius at messing with what a movie-goer usually expects from a horror movie: it makes it that much more frightening because the viewer is then left to guess what the hell is going on -- who is going to be attacked/die next? I'm not going to ruin it by saying anything more about it if people still haven't seen it. But if they have, they'll probably know what I'm talking about.
So basically, the movie left me exhausted. Physically. It's draining to be tense for an hour and a half. But before I go to sleep, I've GOT to watch something either funny or happy. Cause there's NO way I'm going to sleep right now. LOL.
Makes me wish for a boy to cuddle with...Boo.