Title: Two Boys
domlandbubblesCharacter/Pairing: Matsumoto
Fandom: BLEACH
Theme: #53 - Incalculable
64damn_promptsWord Count: ~230
Rating: G
Summary: Matsumoto reflects on her captain and another boy she knew
Matsumoto stops herself from laughing out loud. It's almost a treat to catch her captain asleep at his desk. After all, he's the one who usually walks in on one of her worktime naps.
He even scowls in his sleep.
There's something endearing, Matsumoto thinks, about a boy who never smiles. And really, for all his abilities, his rank and his old man grumbling, Captain Hitsugaya is just a boy.
A boy with a mane of colorless hair resting on a skinny arm.
But then, he must be exhausted since he picked up the work for the fifth company in addition to the tenth company's usual load. Work, she thinks with a small passing guilt, that she was supposed to do as well. And then the chaos from Captain Aizen's murder and the ryoka.
And Hinamori.
Matsumoto smiles again. Warmer, this time. Sadder, this time.
As much as he may have respected Aizen, her captain didn't offer to take over the responsibilities for the fifth company for his sake.
Sometimes, it's not that hard to understand.
The bonds made in life mean little in death. Matsumoto knows the loss of those bonds makes each new one here in Soul Society that much stronger.
Her face goes still.
And she remembers another boy with skinny arms and colorless hair. A boy who always smiled.
A man who still smiles.
Sometimes, it's impossible to understand.