Wide awake under the Full Moon. Biden is no longer in the race; he can go full Dark Brandon. Trump isn't happy. J D Vance by any of his names isn't from Appalachia; neither was his mother; his grandparents left there when they were young for a middle-class union job and 4 bedroom house in a nice neighborhood in Ohio well away from hillbilly
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Ghostwriters on the net!
Wanna trash Dylan next?
There was a time when Americans agreed that was wrong.
Yes, there is a left. There are eugenic activities, including preemptive genocide, in the disproportionate demographics of the babies lost
Changing the meaning of words is like rebuilding the tower of Babel. It keeps people from communicating and understanding one another.
Children can not be taught that the world is doomed, it messes with their happiness and will to live.
Children should have the same pleasure in reading that previous generations did, but are being denied literacy. Children need math skills, so they won't fall for false stats and can grow to recognize untruths and incompetence in reporting (sometimes due to ignorance of the journalists, rather than malice).
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