Title: Brotherly Love
Pairings/characters: Sherlock, Mycroft
Rating: G
Warnings: It contains spoilers for
Brotherly Love by
Summary: When people say that the day he met Sherlock Holmes must have been the most incredible day of his life, he agrees. But what Lestrade never tells them is that it had very little to do with Sherlock.
Story link:
Brotherly Love by
dweoDisclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: drawn for
sherlockbigbang Lestrade suddenly had the urge to send all the people around him away. All those gawping at the little scene before them. He couldn't have them watch what would be an extremely private moment. Mycroft knelt next to the body of his baby brother, not caring that he was destroying his expensive suit. He raised a trembling hand, and his fingers pushed the curls from Sherlock's forehead before carefully cradling his face.