I'm sure tomorrow will be better

Dec 16, 2003 15:45

I hate it when I just have one of those days that isn't really bad at all but every little thing annoys me so it feels like I'm having a bad day.
Today was one of those days
I woke up and really didn't want to get up, so I hit my alarm.
I was printing something out quickly before I had to go to school. Well, the paper ran out and a little message popped up on the screen saying to put more paper in then click done after you did it. I put the paper in and clicked done. The message popped up again. So I did it again and got the same results. I did this like five more times, meanwhile I was getting angrier and angrier. My brother tried and it still didn't work. By that time I was throwing whatever was in my hands (I throw things when I am angry...it helps unless I break something, then it makes it worse)...Come to think of it I threw something behind the computer desk that, if I remember correctly, was something I didn't mean to throw. Anyways my mom came out and looked at the printer and pushed a button and it worked. Aparently I was supposed to look at the display pannel on the printer, not just click done. Why doesn't the computer think to mention these little things?
So then I went to school, I had to take my brother up to his friends where he gets on the bus and he was being annoying in the car.
I got to school and somebody was parked in my spot (Sophomore Kylee K???? I don't remember now, she is on the basketball team) I don't know how I knew but when I was on the freeway I had been thinking to myself, there is going to be somebody in my parking spot. That was seriously so CRAZY when it happened.
So as I am already late for 2nd (I didn't go to first because I was trying to work on CWP, but I just don't understand it) as I was walking up the airport hallway the firedrill went off so I had to walk strait outdoors. Being outside in the cold wasn't fun.
I went to the library to try and finish my CWP but couldn't because I just don't understand the fucking thing. Vanessa's didn't make sense to me at all because her con stuff sounded like pro...like everything I've already come across.
Photo 6th period just sucks period.
Progress reports just reminded me that I am failing math, even though I am really trying. And I'm sure I am failing CWP or pretty damn close (I didn't look at the grades just the tardies/absences).
I had an enchilada to eat when I got home and there is a piece stuck in my teeth.
I'm freezing.
I have a headache
I still have to figure out my CWP because we present first tomorrow.
Today is just one of those days where I would like to go back to sleep and try to get up on the right side of bed...today I obviously didn't...maybe tomorrow (if I remember) I will exit my bed from the bottom instead of the side (the other two are against walls...well one has a window but I really doubt getting out of bed straight outdoors would be the right side).
I don't want to do anything but lay in bed where I will be warm. I know I can't do that though, well I could but it would just result in more badness, which I don't want.
That was so much babbling
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