Apr 12, 2009 11:32
Which made me just think of something I was talking to a friend about a week or so ago... If something doesn't fit your expectation of what it is do you offhandedly dismiss it or can you enjoy and appreciate it for what it actually is?
For example if someone came up to you and said "The Godfather is an excellent comedy!" or some similar excellent drama would you after seeing it say "Ugh! What a terrible comedy! I didn't laugh once!" Would you recognize it for what it really is, or if it were supposed to be a comedy would you feel any differently?
I consider this based on how so many people have an idea about something and if it doesn't fit into it's narrow parameters it's worthless... I could be wrong considering how everybodies tastes are different but if you're judging something by false criteria how can taste be a reliable factor?
So yes, while having Horror Elements "Let the right one in" is a romantic film... Ok... Anyway...
I came to this question after reading a person's review on Netflix saying "Stranger than Fiction" wasn't a comedy, even though I laughed in quite a few places... I think that qualifies as a comedy even if it didn't have people slipping on Banana Peels...