Jun 23, 2004 02:15
Saturday July 3rd will be the next rpg. It was requested on a Saturday so people could set up on Friday. It will be a completely rule free RPG and characters will be allowed to partner up right from the begininning if they wish, as always.
We may play at the baseball diamond just because its huge.
The last Rpg wasn't good at all, but this one will be much better I promise.
David? Chris?, Ryan? We need to play this one old school, you have to help me just like old times........
This way it will make the game much more interesting.
I'd love it if everyone could come for this one like Fish,Jenny and little Shawn. I know it will be worth while.
Start thinking of your characters now....
Don't worry, this one will be a hell of an improvement compared to the last. I promise. :)
By the way.... for setting do you think it should be any of the following?
1. Dark Gothic Vampire Ridden world. (Castlevania)
2. Blasted post-apocalyptic world. Example (Final Fantasy 6)
3. Typical Medieval (WarCraft/ Lord Of the RIngs / Robin Hood)
4. Straight fantasy (FF4/FF7/FF10)
Hope to see you all there! Cuddles! :>
P.S If you are sick please don't come in my house. I catch colds within an hour of being around sick poeple. I am sick right now and want to remove parts of me with a sharp instruement. Also my mother catches colds eight times worse then I do.
Our immunity is nothing!
I watched David beat the first Metal Gear. He beat the second one a few years back and I watched it then too. Just like old times.
I want all my oldest friends to really help me make this rpg work well.
I'll see you all there. Old-School boys, old-school.
Be ready.