Day 9: Shake

Jan 15, 2025 12:30

The Step: Shake your body to release stress and tension

The Science: Stress can take over your mind-but it can have a real impact on your body too.  When we feel anxious, our muscles can tense up (and so do we). Shaking-or vigorously moving-can help some to calm the nervous system and release feel-good chemicals, making you feel better.

The Secret Sauce: Shake off your stress in whatever way feels best to you. Shake your hands the way you would at the bathroom sink - or thrash your body around like a rockstar. Now try it with your shoulders or your toros. Add your head, legs, or feet if it feels good - and lean into the release. The more ridiculous you feel the better!

Over to you: List all the stress you're carrying today. Which worries would you like to shake off? When you shake your body, what do you notice about the tension and stress you're holding in body and mind?

*Doctors appointment about some numbness on the right side of my body

*Tension with my mother

*Financial issues

*Relationship issues

Honestly, I would like to be able to say that shaking it off to all the issues above would solve everything, but it would be a short term solution for a long term problem. I do like to dance and move around, and that does help in the moment. It gives my brain a moment to not think about anything other than the movements I am making.

What about you friends? Do you find moving your body helps alleviate stress? Or is there something else you do that you find more beneficial? I would love to try them out!

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