
Oct 17, 2005 13:36

Okay, I think right about now everyone that lives in my house wishes that the US never got independence from England.

I should probably explain that statement, huh?  Lately, I've been totally "obsessed" (how I hate that word.  You won't see me use it often) with watching 1776.  I've been putting it on when I go to sleep, and the other day, I watched it, like 5 times in a row.  They're getting SO sick of it.  But I think that's hilarious!  I keep telling them, every time they ask "you're watchig this again?", that if I had the soundtrack, I wouldn't have to watch it so much.  Hopefully they'll get the hint and someone will look for it when X-mas time rolls around.  Although, I should see if the soundtrack is even available before I hint at it too much...
Oh, yeah, and speaking of 1776, I noticed when I was watching it that Thomas Jefferson looks an aweful lot like Conan. Or maybe Conan looks anaweful lot like Thomas Jefferson, since the movie was made in 1972 and Conan was only, like 9 then. (Holy crap! He's only 2 months younger than my mom?? That's just pure craziness!)
Oh! and Saturday, Toledo (which is about 45 inutes away from me) actually had a bona fide race riot!  It was crazy!  I don't know a lot about what happened, just what I've heard second hand.  (I don't watch the news anymore)  Anyway, from what I've picked up, I guess there was a group of Neo-nazi's that went into North Toledo (Ghetto, if you will) to march.  Protesters started throwing rocks.  Cops broke it up, but that's when the riotting started.  The mayor even instated a city wide cerfew!  More info can be found here: Neo-Nazi March stopped; Protesters turn violent

Well, I guess that's about all I had to say today.  Guess I'll go stare at my sexy men on my page and go write a little bit.

lol, random

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