Had a Dr. appointment a couple weeks ago and he referred me over to the Arthritis and Osteoporosis center over at the hospital. I had that appointment yesterday. I was referred for OT and PT. Saw the OT first. She checked me out, focusing mostly on my back and lower body. My range of motion is pretty bad. She gave me some simple stretches and core strengthening exercises to do. All but one are done lying down. The stretches are so I can hopefully improve the straightening of my knees. Saw the PT after that. She's focusing on my wrists and hands and helping me find easier ways for me to do things, while helping me make sure I do things correctly, keeping my posture correct. She said my posture is actually pretty good and I already do some things right. We just talked about what we'll be doing this time. next time we'll start doing things.
Also, I'm a nerd and miss writing essays for English class, so
I've decided to write some. I'll post them over at
my writing journal when they're done. Started the first one today. Gonna work on it more in a little bit. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tonight or tomorrow.
The night before last, brother's computer got some malware somehow. Took forever to get it off. It wouldn't run right until it was off. In fact, it was running the comp extra hard so it kept overheating and shutting down. He finally got it off last night and it's been fine all day.
Speaking of which, I need to get off here so he can get on when he gets home.
Also, I have no idea when he's paying my journal. He was supposed to do it at the end of last month, but didn't. Whatever. He'll do it when he does it.