I hope you all had a merry Christmas! It's a little late now, but I didn't have a chance to update yesterday. I think you all will understand that, and if you don't, I spent Christmas with Marisa, and that should explain it well enough.
I'm supposed to see my family at some point during the week to do the gift thing. I told them I had plans for the actual holiday, and I'm pretty sure my sister Chelse did too, so there wasn't much of a celebration on that side. It's weird for us to not be together, I guess. Chelse is only three years younger than I am, even though I look like I'm ten and she looks like she's twenty. I think I'm used to that great double-standard where the older sister gets to go out, but the younger one has to stay home with Mom and Dad. It's not a big deal, but it's just something that's different.
I know I gave some of you your gifts already, but here we go anyway. If you're not listed here, and there's only a couple of you who are, don't feel bad. I am still in love with you, I just couldn't think of anything nice to give you. :-[ I will get you a candy cane hat to match mine, if that makes you feel any better.
Marisa: I thought
this was pretty, so I hope you like it.
This and
this -- they're both for you. I know they're silly, but I thought they'd make you laugh. You're twelve at heart anyway. You can't fool me, you Goddess of Fuck.
Avril: I remember you saying you liked beanies, so
these are for you. I thought you'd like them, and I didn't think you'd wear anything else I got you, hee!