Your name: Binky
Character name: The Seventh Doctor
Where they're from: Doctor Who
Point in canon: Post television-canon
Fictional: Real person.
Character description:
History: While the TARDIS was crashing onto Lakertya, caught in a trap set by the Rani, the Sixth Doctor died and changed into the Seventh. After being injected with something to cause amnesia, he unwittingly helped her build her machine to detonate a strange matter asteroid while she was disguised as Mel. He eventually came to his senses and freed the Lakertyans from the Rani's hold.
He continued to travel with Mel in his new form, and at Mel's urging they stopped at a hotel called Paradise Towers. Only it turned out that all of the citizens left behind when the middle age group was drafted to go off to war were left trapped inside of the hotel, and the sinister architect who constructed it was looking for a way to be reborn. The Doctor formulated a plan to stop him, though Pecks the cowardly war stowaway was the one who finalized it.
When detoured to the Shangi-La Holiday Camp rather than Disneyland, the Doctor and Mel discover that there's an alien queen hiding out there, and that a race called the Bannermen are trying to hunt her down and finalize the extermination of her race. Using the voice of the Queen's developing offspring, he managed to cripple the Bannermen attack fleet.
When they went to Iceworld, he and Mel ran into an old acquaintance Glitz, as well as met Ace McShane. Ace's love of all things that detonated helped get them out of the situation, as the Doctor and Glitz investigated stories of a dragon and buried treasure. As it happened, the dragon was a manufactured organism.
The Doctor with Ace then prevented the Daleks from utilizing a Time Lord relic, the Omega Device so that they might have equal mastery of time. Instead, he tricked the Daleks and Davros into destroying Skaro.
They then went to a planet, Terra Alpha, where it was illegal to be unhappy, and unhappiness or anything that might encourage melancholy was an offense punishable by death and the policy was enforced by a group known as the happiness patrol. The executioner was a confectionery artificial life form known as the Kandy Man, and the Kandy Man was destroyed and the planet eventually freed from its tyrannical rule.
The Cybermen, some Nazis, and a witch from the 1600's all tried to acquire an item made of living metal, a Gallifreyan defense system invented by Rassilon and Omega in the form of a statue made of validium. The Doctor had to set the statue against the encroaching cybermen army rather than allow them to utilize it to take over the earth. Though here he started showing his concerns for his history being revealed, as the witch (Lady Peinforte) threatened to reveal elements of his past as revealed to her by the statue (which she had named Silver Nemesis). However, because the Cybermen didn't particularly care about his secrets her efforts were for naught.
The Doctor later discovered that he was Merlin (at least in one universe), and participated in a skewed of the events of Camalot. Morgaine, the mother of Mordred, summoned the Destroyer of Worlds. The Destroyer was finally killed by UNIT Brigadier Bambera.
He was more inclined than other Doctor's to go on feelings of “evil”, even from other people. Such as when Ace said that she felt “evil” in a Perivale house that she had visited in 1983, he investigated to discover two alien survey agents, one being held captive as an evolutionary Control in the experiment. The Doctor released Control, and then peaceably talked the other agent into allowing evolution to persist.
He took Ace to where the two of them faced a horde of zombie-like heomovores, summoned from the Northumbrian waters by Fenric. He revealed to Ace that she was one of Fenric's pawns, but lied to her and made it seem as if she was one of his pawns as well in their unending chess game. He later reconciled with her.
The Doctor came up against the Master and the Cheetah people, as the Master fell under their influence and had to find a way to escape it. The Cheetah planet was on the verge of destruction, and when Ace was taken the Doctor had to go after her. He discovered the Master there, using the Cheetah people and also under their influence. Exhibitions of violence turned someone into one of them, there, and the hunted became the hunters quickly. But also, the Master hadn't progressed to the point he could traverse dimensions and had control of his facilities still. So he needed a human to turn and get him to Earth before he became completely feral.
Ace fell under the influence, but the Doctor worked to spare her. He tricked the Master, sending him back to the planet before its destruction, though Ace thought the Doctor had died. She was very relieved to discover he was alive, and then they continued on their journey.
Far down the road, it was a stray bullet from a San Francisco shoot-out on the Eve of the change of the Millennium that triggered the transformation of this Doctor into the eighth. Ironically killed by a random act of violence.
Personality: In one of the comics, the Doctor is referred to as being schizophrenic. Outside of his delusions of importance being a reality, this is actually quite true of him. No matter what the regeneration, he tends to use exotic language peppered with made up words that only he has attached meaning to give descriptions. He frequently has inappropriate emotional reactions to situations, making it difficult for him to maintain relationships with those he cares about; either leading to him leaving them "for their own good" no matter what they feel about the situation or them leaving him because he'll never have a real concept of how they feel.
He's very creative but expresses it through feats of engineering. His artistic attempts are occasionally successful depending on the regeneration, but he's always good with electronics. Anything he produces, no matter how jury-rigged it appears to be, is inevitably a masterpiece of innovation. His particular favorite activity is taking primitive Earth devices and augmenting them so that they function far outside of their standard limitations. He's always a little bit sad when a device of his breaks.
Unfortunately, adding to the inappropriate emotional responses to things, sometimes he seems underwhelmed when a friend of his is hurt. Just slightly more than when something he has built has managed to fall apart. He is hurt by it, but he doesn't know what to do. In only one incarnation did he seem really able to cope with loss and in that one his emotions tended to consume him because he didn't properly manage them.
He also runs from his problems. Both his potential history as the Gallifreyan founding father, the Other, and his various futures that more often than not seem like inevitabilities. Gallifrey, in some form or fashion, is intended to be destroyed by his hand. Whether this was something he read in the Prydonian libraries when he kept the futures collection or what he saw when he looked into the Untempered Schism (both posed by various canons), he ran from that point on.
This particular Doctor is one of the more argumentative ones, though he has an intensely peaceful nature. He does like to recuperate roughians and has a soft spot for young misguided deviants. He will refuse to involve himself with questionable activities, and death is always a last option for him. He believes everything has a right to live, everything has a right to become better. Though his efforts at saving people are very much his attempt to make up for the darkness in his own personality. If he helps them, then they can go on to be better people. He knows what he can do, what he will do, and what he has done. His guilt for it drives him to have successors with stronger moral inclinations.
He comes off as klutzy, bumbling, and unsure, but then his true nature stands out brilliantly in short, well-hidden introspective doses. Where he makes very clear that he knows that as a Time Lord, he can, has, and will be one of the greatest threats and saviors to the universe. He messes up his sayings often, though probably out of half paying attention than either faking it or being an idiot, or he seems to be perpetually distracted.
His favorite key is E flat, his favorite ice cream is boysenberry ripple, and his favorite pasta is spaghetti. He hates burnt toast, bus stations, unrequited love, tyranny, and cruelty.
Writing sample: He really wishes that the old girl wouldn't drag him off in some particular direction quite so often. But yet again, he's finding himself stepping out of his time ship, preparing to sputter off a greeting in Italian to the local populous and make an inquiry as to where he can acquire a Vespa for a short jaunt through the countryside.
But instead he's greeted by a group of grey skinned fellows pointing guns at him.
...Well, it won't do him well to greet them in Italian, will it? So he pops off his hat in greeting, beaming a smile even with those little nasty weapons pointed in his direction. Were those energy weapons? Likely. Hopefully they set them to stun, or something similarly low and non-lethal. It would likely take away the joy of a warm greeting. "I see that I was expected!" he leans back from the nearest nozzle, prods it gently out of his way.
That grey man looks at his gun incredulously, as if it was the weapon's fault that the Doctor budged it out of his way, and then puts it right back where it was. And then he has the nerve to gibber at him, or make some other noise that the Doctor can't quite work out a meaning behind. In return, he gets a pinched, confused, and wrinkled expression.
"How am I expected to convince you to put those down if I can't tell what in Rassilon's name you're on about! Really this is ridiculous!" In his impatience, he rolls his "r"s with great exaggeration. Somehow it makes the words more important.