- One of my favorite ways to relax will always be a picnic in the park. A warm sunny day, blanket unnecessary if the grass is kept well. The smell of Earth and fresh air when you inhale, all the more favorable if the only automobiles you here are few, far between, and equally far away. Perhaps even a breeze to pick up the scent of wildflowers, and you can even enjoy the scenery with your eyes closed, your hands cushioning the back of your head, and pleasantly dozing between indulging a sense at a time.
- I've always enjoyed a trip into a seedy club on a late evening, after the hour is dark and there's enough of a crowd around to get lost in. Sometimes when it's sparse, as well, and there are just a few lonely tables; each occupied by a quiet man wishing to be off with his own thoughts and I'm safe to choose a solitary place for mine, surrounded by an impenetrable barrier of obscurity and purposeful ignorance. A somber voice, cracked with age and effort singing about the woes of the world or the love they barely remember save for a few elegant features. The brass wavering with the words, notes cascading over one another celebrating loss and the continuation of an unending battle against ones demons. The strings screaming with emotion, each pluck of a finger, each slide of a bow revealing the inner beauty and pain of the instruments wielder as they channel their very soul into a glorious outpouring of passion. There I can think about the ones that I've met, that I haven't met yet, that I shouldn't meet or I should have had more time with. No one stops to bother me.
- Juggling. Card tricks. Escaping strait jackets. Traditional 'magic' that to me is just an analogy for all of the universe. I frequently use the word 'evil' to describe the darker parts of the nature of society, though it's been argued 'evil' doesn't exist. 'Magic' has a similar reputation for nonexistence. When I do simple acts of illusion, feats of the supposed impossible, I am merely confirming to wondering minds that their horizons are indeed worth expanding. There's a certain delighted surprise when I manage even a trick of careful balance or coordination that's worthy of the look I get when I first open the TARDIS doors and introduce someone to an alien world. Of course, more people can accept the former than the latter, which is a sad fact of life but with a few slights of hand I can gift everyone with a little surprise and desire to understand. That's magic.
- Calculating ways to talk sense into my various companions. I realize that I tend to be a bit more underhanded than I used to in the ways that I concoct to enlighten those that travel with me, but I also choose a particular class of companion. Thieves, beggars, liars, arsonists, general rogues of any color and persuasion. The accusations against me might be well deserved but you see, I'm in good company. When one is negotiating the minds of those with a keen talent for subterfuge and larceny one has to use a certain amount of trickery to coax them into honing those talents for better causes.
- Spending a little time with the old girl, one on one. My psychic connection is deeper than I recall it being, though my memory is admittedly fuzzy at times (thank the wretched Rani for that). It lets me draw a little comfort from her connection that I hadn't had before, so even simple tasks such as trying to organize this shambling mess of a ship has become so much more enjoyable. I can be in my library and lose track of what I'm doing at the shelves because I hear her heart, or fall asleep against one of the consoles in the middle of an adjustment as it's almost as if she's cradling my very mind.
Character: The (Seventh) Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 664