Oct 03, 2005 23:11
I hate my JOB.....they keep sticking me in Home Electronics!!! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT????? It sickens me because I constantly tell them not to put me in there!!! It is not the products that I have trouble keeping a handle on!! It is the fact that I must know cash......and I HATE IT!!! There is nothing worse than having to use the till, for me anyways!! Still soon enough I will be quiting and I will be happy!!! I WILL LAUGH IN THEIR FACES!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh and get this....time after time I have told my manager that I wish not to be in that section!! Yes that is just how loyal and understanding our managers are at ZELLERS!! They do not listen to you at all. I suppose that is at any job though......as long as they can make you do it; they will! So in turn I think I will be leaving that job....a year of working at Zellers IS FAR LONG ENOUGH!!!
Anways!!! Sorry for that little tiff!!! HAD TO WRITE IT SOMEWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well went and saw Serenity with Nick and Jason....hmmmm....it was ok at points.....over all it was not that good of a movie! The poor main girl character "River" looked like a prostitute off the street....eeeeeeeee!!! The story was interesting but it dragged!!! It almost seemed like an hour long episode of sorts!!! LOL
That was fun....
Until next time!!
Ranma AKA Jason