A Little Something For The Graduates!!

Jun 07, 2004 16:50

Do you remember a time when everything was new, people were big and scary,and things really didn't make much sense to you anymore.......WELL THOSE TIMES ARE GONE!!!!!!!

Now you are all ROCKING,GOOD LOOKING, KNOW IT ALLS!!! Take your new found talents and stick them up the worlds ass. You know you want toooooO!!!!! You all are great people, and I am proud of you.....no matter what you guys end up doing in the future I know it is going to be a good...

J-Box? I sit with you guys all the time....yet I still don't know what the J-Box is......I know you named the group that...BUT WHY? *SADNESS* HA! HA! No worries, it was awsome sitting in that room and listening to the crazy antics that went on day after day.

Take care everyone, I won't forget the Airbags,Invader Zim, Tech Lab, HOW TO HAVE A GOOD CONVERSATION!!! and most of all ALL OF YOU!!! CONGRAGULATIONS!!!!!

Nadia!! Rammstein RULEZ!
Look at my picture Hilhaire.......Look at the CUPCAKE!!!!!
Meaghan, I think you are Superman!! I LOVE THAT SHIRT!!
Stacie, Canucks will get it next year!!! Britanadian Forever!!
Ali, Writing is key!!!! I like your style ;)!!

Later Days, Jason
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