BoredOm wOrLd

Jul 08, 2005 00:23

damn itsz been liike a week ... but wateva itsz not like anythiin exciitiing hasz been happenen in da mean tiime ... well let me see ::

**Wednesday, June 29th ::

i went ova my cousiinsz house for her lil` get together for her bday .. `nd then i came home, went online `nd chyll`d for a few until i deciided to blow up my babii`sz fone so i could talk to em .. which by tha way, yesz i did lol ... but dat wasz it

**Thursday, June 30th ::

chyll`d .. talk`d on da fone almost all day .. well it was eitha da fone or aiim .. or both lol .. but yea stayed home all day `nd then my babii call`d `nd i talk`d to em for a few but it wasz type late we were both kiinda tired ... so yea we hung up `nd went to sleep

**Friiday, JuLy 1st ::

me `nd courtnie hit up da moviiesz .. yesz jusz usz lol `nd we watch`d "Land of the Dead" .. shyt had us screamen every like 5 minutesz lol .. zombiiesz everywhere .. na but yea we wasz like jump`n - it wasz good ... afta da moviie i walk out `nd see me `nd my man`sz boii jon .. `nd i stopp`d `nd talk`d to em for a few .. triied usiin hisz walkiie to hit up my babii but niggasz fone wasz almost dead .. but knowen me .. i kept doen it anyway cuz i wasz amused by da sound lol (( right vanessa ?? bloop, bloop lol ))but yea i came home madd late

**Saturday, JuLy 2nd ::

i wasz supposed to help my grl Chantelle move but my momsz hated `nd made me go to watch a PawSox game wit her `nd da rest of my family .. but there were fireworksz afta da game `nd i could ask for anythiin i wanted `nd i would get it .. so i wasz all good (( mainly becuz i wasz beiin spoiiled lol )) but yea .. i stayed `nd chyll`d wit 1 of da baseball playersz who alwaysz talksz to me wen i go .. `nd he made me throw my ipod onto da feel so he could listen to it lol .. it wasz funny then he wasz tell`n me to like hook hisz up or wateva i wasz like sure ... wateva as long as you give me mine bacc lol shiit dat was $215 of my own money lol but yea .. i watched da game `nd had juniior (( vanessa`sz boiifren )) blowen up my fone - dyen to talk to her but i wasz at game so it would be hard to hear eachotha so i jusz told i`d call him wen she call`d me .. `nd dat wasz a whiile lata .. `nd then tha fireworksz came on - they wasz so beautiful .. i loved em lol i mean who wudnt .. but yea ..i got home mad late `nd then grubbed on some micky d'sz `nd taco bell (( cuz yesz, i am very greedy ))

**Sunday, JuLy 3rd ::

well yea .. i wasz like chyll`n at my cousiinsz house - actually i was like bored to death .. but yea im there like i sed bored to death .. sitt`n there piss`d off `nd then i had a few beersz .. (( i hadda do somethin to get hyper )) `nd a cup or two of wine `nd i wasz set .. madd hyper `nd then my grl Courtnie call`d me up `nd ask`d if i wanted to go watch tha fireworksz downtown wit her `nd so i fiigured well im madd bored so why not ?? well i ask`d my parentsz `nd they was okay wit it so i went home, took a shower `nd got dress`d `nd went bacc to my cousiinsz house where i waiited for courtnie til like 8 30 while juniior was (( again )) blowen up my fone while my battery wasz dyen .. so yea i left `nd call`d up my man who was supposed to alredy be there wit hisz brothasz, hisz mom `nd some of hisz boysz .. turnsz out he went earlier to da spanish festival .. `nd so he wasz alredy home - so i wasz like wateva `nd i stayed watchen da fireworksz wit Court `nd her crazii mother who i love lol .. `nd Courtnie`sz there screamen `nd yell`n like .. "come on someone yell wit me !!" i was like shut up !! but yea they were also beautiful .. but i coulda sworn i was goen deaf lol .. so afta da fireworksz we were chyll`n jusz talk`n bout Courtnie`sz brotha `nd dad it wasz too funny .. `nd then we went to BK `nd got some food .. tell me why we in da drive-thru `nd Court`sz mom paysz wit her card `nd then she about to drive away witout our food !! so we like "da food !!" `nd shesz like "oh i dont care bout da food as long as i got mah card" but she went bacc `nd got da food lol .. so we grubbed `nd i went bacc to my cousiinsz house `nd i wasz there jusz chyll`n playen musiic for them on da comp. whiile i wasz on aim `nd they danced .. until niggasz from behind da house tried to start shyt .. i wasz gett`n heated but yea .. i can control myself (( or atleast i try )) but yea .. then we left - got home madd late .. `nd i wasz knocked out

**Monday, JuLy 4th ::

well i had some fun .. i wasz plannen to see my damn man who i miss`d liike crazii but he wasznt gon be home so i wasz like daamn ... dat got me a lil upset `nd so anyway .. yea i got dropped off at Courtnie`sz criib while my sister wasz at my cousiinsz `nd my parentsz `nd some frensz went to Pawtucket to watch Curt Schilling pitchin .. well im not a Red Sox fan so i could care less bout how disz one wasz doen .. so yea i wasz at Courtnie`sz crib `nd we hit up da mall .. which wasz dead !! like empty `nd shyt .. no1 wasz there lol but yea we checked out da nextelsz, had some fun talkn to some dude dat worksz there `nd then went bacc to her criib, where we watched TV `nd talk`d bout shyt dat had been goen on .. then my daddy picked me up `nd i went bacc to my cousiinsz house .. i wasz madd cold for some reason lol `nd then i came home `nd went online .. it was da most boring 4th of july .. jusz for da record ..

**Tuesday, JuLy 5th ::

got up , call`d up Marlyn ask`d her to come to da Knight Memorial wit me so i could return a few booksz i had finish`d readen `nd then we chyll`d there `nd made our boy Jon come chyll wit usz too .. so we there chyll`n wit em `nd he took usz to Rudy`sz to get a sandwich `nd a soda .. `nd then we walk`d em home siince he livesz closer to Knight Memorial than us `nd then Marlyn walk`d me home .. tell me why we had left for da library at like 2 `nd i got home at like 4 15 .. but yea i wanted to try chyll`n wit my man again but he wouldn`t pick up hisz fone so i wasz like fuck it .. `nd then i got home `nd jusz chyll`d online, `nd talked on da fone .. then i started talk`n to Marlyn at like 12 35 am `nd we there like how ima not call my man for a while to see if he would call me `nd im bout to like go to bed wen he calld for da ferst tiime in a minute cuz usually i`d be tha one call`n him so we wasz talkn for a long ass time .. jusz bein dum wit eachotha `nd then we both got off tha fone `nd went to sleep .. i aint gon lie i wasz kinda upset afta dat call ..but yea

**Wednesday, JuLy 6th ::

my babii wanted to come ova but it hadda be like drizzling `nd so he didnt come but yea i chyll`d online `nd on da fone like i usually do `nd then i wasz watchin Golden Girlsz wit Courtnie on da fone .. omg we were cracken up .. dem biddysz isz DUM lol .. but yea i be dyen i swear .. so yea i went to sleep type early - well afta i talkd to my cousin for a minute bout dum shyt like alwaysz ..

**Today (( Thursday, JuLy 7th )) ::

well .. i woke up `nd i did da usual routines you kno came online `nd talk`d to like da same peepsz .. `nd then i got type depressd cuz i miss`d my babii .. `nd then i tried goen bacc to sleep at like 1 15 pm aroun there `nd i left my fone on da bed `nd came bacc on da comp. `nd for some reason da liightsz went out `nd my comp. `nd everythin else dat uses electricity shut off .. so i got a bit heated but it came bacc a few minutesz lata .. so yea i went got myself a lil piece of cheesecake (( dasz da shyt )) `nd then i went `nd checked my fone - i wasz heated cuz i had miss`d 3 private callsz .. no1 except for my man callsz me from private numbers .. `nd dasz wen itsz hisz momsz fone .. so i wasz gon call bacc but wat if it wasnt him ?? so i didnt call em `nd then i was on da fone wit courtnie `nd he call`d me again `nd i was cheesen so yea he told me he had called me 3 tiimesz earlier `nd dat i didnt pick up `nd dat he wanted to come ova but he knew i probly would be readii if he jusz showed up .. i wasz madd cuz he knoesz how badly i wanna see em `nd how badly i miss`d em `nd he kept sayen it ova `nd ova he wasz like "yea i wanted to go see you today but someone wouldnt pick up they fone" i wasz like shut up lol .. but yea im happy - dat lil fone call made my day .. so yea .. dasz like about da only shyt dasz been goen on ..

damn disz isz some long ass entry .. but wateva .. yea im out .. cuz im too hyper//happy `nd if i stay on i kno ima keep writin pointless shyt ..
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