May 15, 2006 21:48
back from the dead...that's an accomplishment. one of my very fav bf's from highschool, Josh Vest, has been supposedly deceased for years. someone, somewhere, way back when, who knew Josh told me he was DEAD, vaya con dios, pushing up daisies, marching about the elysian fields
...but thanks to that darned website, he emailed me. AND he too lives in nashville. HOLY SHIT! he's married, with 3 kids, and quite alive and well.
it's a crazy little world. and i'm incredibly fortunate to be in contact again with someone who introduced me to the world of playing guitar and auto racing, plus taught me how to love and suffer lost love, and perfected the skill of deceiving parents. heh.
on other notes, i'm teaching chem. and i'm grading lab reports. muahahahaha...none shall escape the nitpicking i was subject to in my own classes. really though, they're a good group of kids, but miss a LOT of little details on the reports. i picked that shit apart today, as i was expected to do per my answer key instructions. i expect tears and some dropouts after tomorrow. hopefully they'll learn what's expected after today's dismal submissions and not fuck up again.