File on Umbrella:
(See the end for OOC notes on the starred information. This is just an outline of the details he sent him.)
-a prestigious biotech company formed by a man named Lord Ozwell E. Spencer shortly after World War II
-backed by Dr. James Marcus and Sir Edward Ashford
-basic research notes about the viruses, Progenitor, T-Virus, G-Virus, T-Veronica, etc...
-basic profiles of Marcus and Birkin
-Marcus was assassinated by a rival company, though it was never proven*
-basic profile of Marcus' replacement, Alber Wesker
-formation of S.T.A.R.S. and the covert information that Wesker was the founder and eyes of Umbrella in the force
-information about the tests conducted on S.T.A.R.S. and Wesker's involvement and "death"**
-information about the use of the T-Virus on Albert Wesker***
-information about the incident in Raccoon City
-information about Wesker infiltrating a rival company after he recooperated and pretending to work for them with the intention to revive Umbrella since the investigation the US conducted left them crippled
-information about procuring the T-Veronica Virus and the subject Steve Burnside****
-information about the incident in Pueblo, operatives Ada Wong and *deceased*Jack Krauser.
-basic notes about Las Plagas
-Wesker assumes control of the company, bringing it back from the dead
*Wesker fudged that because he wants to gain Rufus' trust and not have him fear assassination.
**Wesker did NOT mention that the details of him betraying S.T.A.R.S. and implied that they were formed from the beginning to test Umbrella's experiments and contain them if they got loose, even if the members never knew that. He did not list notes about him blackmailing Barry etc. Just a basic report that they managed to overcome the initial creatures, though most of the members did die. Redfield, Valentine, and Chambers are listed as criminally insane and dangerous.
***Wesker noted that it is possible to gain the benefit of the T-Virus without becoming a twisted Monster because he wants Rufus to be interested in their research and prove that they don't just deal with zombies and monsters.
****Information about Steve's exposure to the T-Veronica virus and his ability to contain it to not mutate his body in the end for the same reason as above. His mind is a little gone, but he's completely obediant.
*****If I missed anything, let me know. Basically, he told MOST of the truth without making himself look like the traitorous bastard he really is and revealing too much. XD