After the Halloween Rush..

Nov 03, 2010 12:27

Yes I know the blurred face.. But honestly it's the internet. Can you blame me? There are so few pictures of me out there in the internet right now and I sort of like to keep it that way.  You can ask me about my arms... I am extremely self-conscious about my arms. I always have been. I have never had normal thin arms EVER. I have a genetic disposition called bat-wing syndrome. I always have what looks like fat saggy arms. The surgery to correct this is elective and costs about 20K. For my critics out there diet and exercise will not get rid of this only plastic surgery.   When I weighed 115 I still had fat arms. I accept them as a part of me and more of what makes me all the more uniquely me. Also if you look at my leg I have a burn scar another reason why I always wear tights, hose etc..  Am I ashamed at how I look?  I am not at all. Would I care if anyone commented on how I look, no not really. My weight or how I look has never been an issue to me. I am myself to a fault. My kindness often outweighs my commonsense.  And for my friends that really know me, know that I am laid back and friendly. And appearances really mean nothing to me. My friends and people I associate with are my friends because of who they are on the inside not how they look. I wished the rest of the world was like that.

Coming soon:
-How I made this JSK tutorial as well as how to draft this bodice out for those that need a special size. This will be a HUGE post and I will start working on it ASAP.
-I have a Top Hat in the works for Dickens fair to wear. 
-Also at the request of Izzy will make a bonnet Tutorial.
-There is also a Gored skirt Tutorial coming soon. This will be how to draft a skirt to your size and about the fit and how to adjust the circumference of the hem.

All these tutorials will come with pictures and illustrations. Tools I use. Action pictures.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.

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