i'm letting you go to my head

Oct 07, 2007 00:53

Between them, Elizabeth leading and Chas following with Todd in his arms, the trip back to her house is relatively quiet. She flicks the lights on and shows Chas the right bedroom to set her son down in. Her son, she thinks, and doesn't think about how it felt like a punch in the gut tonight when he called her Elizabeth. It's her name. It's what he called her before. It doesn't matter.

She takes Todd's shoes off and tries to make him comfortable, tucking him in, and then...then she's sort of at a loss, because she's home, and she still doesn't want to be alone yet. So she smiles, tired, and cocks her eyebrow at Chas. "I don't suppose you expect coffee for your troubles."

[words] role play, [people] chas reyes, [people] todd casil weir

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