Title: A Simple Whisper - Chapter Two
domhobbitzesRating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing: Dom... and... well... yeah...
Warning: M/M, underage crushage
Summary: All he ever wanted was to be in a rock and roll band… 'and the guys chicks are cute great'.
Author’s Note: Here is the second chapter, as promised, before I depart for the UK tomorrow to do more research for the story. Introduction of a new character, yes it's that Daniel. By the way, only two of the characters so far (there will be three total) are based on real people. Everyone else just lives in my head. It gets kind of loud sometimes but hey, 'rock 'n roll'. :)
Huge Thank you to
tigertale7 for ALL the beta work. *nuzzleloves*
You feel it pumping through your blood (
Ch. I)