It Happens, Chapter Two

May 23, 2009 12:02

Title: It Happens, Chapter Two
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Paul Kellerman and Sara Scofield
Category: Multi-chapter (*facepalm*) I think it will be short though, three chapters tops, hopefully.
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Summary: Where there’s sparks, there could be fire, you know.
Author’s Notes: I just had a thought. No disrespect to Michael’s memory, it’s ( Read more... )

prison break, paul/sara

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Comments 6

heliokleia May 23 2009, 22:01:34 UTC
'It meant when (if) she pressed her frame full-length to his, he’d be able to feel every part that made her a woman, the fullness of her breasts, the curve of her belly, the indentation where her thighs came together. Basically, everything that made him want her to begin with.'
- MMHH... lines like that are melting on my tongue...^^

Hey, you did it, my dear Candy!
*pets you*
And Hell yes, very, very tempting...^^
I also love it that you're keepin on to write both POV's, to give us a chance for looking inside both their heads.

"Why are you wearing this crazy shirt?" - Hahaha... merci, Sara; that's the question I've been waiting for...^^
And His Magnificence's answer?
"It's a long story." - Naah, c'mon, my dear Mr KMAN!^^

But just as the action started to get real interesting & hawt (and moi started drooling, btw^^), you stopped - uuhh... how cruel; bad, bad girl!^^
*grumbles lightly*
So be prepaired, my dear, you'll not get off the hook until you gave us Teh Pron!^^*nods vigorously ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 25 2009, 02:51:55 UTC
Don't worry, it's coming! (Or, rather, they're coming!) No worries! ;-)


bnleah May 24 2009, 06:29:29 UTC
Oh my goodness. A heatwave has arrived indeed. I love the tension and the angst between them and how she's goading him to make a move.

And this...

She didn't want to talk about how standing in the setting sunlight on her front porch, feeling the foreign and long dormant pulse of sexual arousal had made her feel both exhilarated and traitorous.I like how she's conflicted by her own feelings. She wants to act on her desire but at the same time she's not sure if it's the 'right' thing to do. It'll be interesting to see how she reacts after they've been together ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 24 2009, 21:55:37 UTC
The title came from that song--because I couldn't think of what exactly I wanted to say with the piece, and then that song came on the radio and I finally knew what I was trying to say! Not what that song says, but 'it happens' being that everyone moves on eventually, and there has to be the moment, the event that propels you onward from grief.

I liked the parts about Michael too, because she's never going to get over that--it's just too tragic, IMHO, but hopefully, some day she'll be able to let herself have other joys.

I really like Paul and Sara. They have a really interesting dynamic.


rosie_spleen May 24 2009, 06:58:26 UTC
Hey there. This is really working for me, Candy *g*, but I recall the chapter one discussion about how some readers might not see it from Sara's POV. How she could jump welcome Paul K into her home and be civil to him.

Because I am able to believe anything that's humanly (or even animally) possible, I am onboard with the idea of Sara 'itemizing' - their attempts at each other's lives, his lies, Paul making amends, his eyelashes, her eyes...etc.

And, there were times I LOLed.

Her low, throaty laugh kicked his libido up into an Orange Alert. Which was fitting because of his ridiculous shirt. “I can’t believe you’re not better at this,” she said.

I love call backs to his 'Lance' days and his blueberry pie smile.

Looking forward to the next installment, Candy. Thanks very much for this.


badboy_fangirl May 24 2009, 21:42:34 UTC
Something I'd like to say but I don't know if it will work its way into the narrative is that back in the day anonymous sex was very favorable to Sara, but not anymore. She had the real thing with Michael, and so even though Paul is different and she wasn't expecting to feel anything like that until it was suggested to her, there is comfort with him on a subliminal level because she already knows him, already had that connection once upon a time.

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